Кои са петте най-вдъхновяващи книги за кино, писани някога? Това е въпросът, на който отговарят 51 водещи западни критици и писатели. За съжаление, почти всички заглавия, от които те се възхищават, не са преведени на български език.
Вижте класациите им, публикувани на сайта на Британския филмов институт (BFI):
Geoff Andrew (Head of film programme, BFI Southbank, UK):
1. „Signs and Meaning in the Cinema“ - Peter Wollen, Secker & Warburg, 1969
2. „A Biographical Dictionary of Film“ - David Thomson, Secker & Warburg, 1975
3. „Hitchcock’s Films“ - Robin Wood, A.S. Barnes & Co, 1965
4. „The Making of Citizen Kane“ - Robert L. Carringer, University of California Press, 1985
5. „Mamoulian“ - Tom Milne, Thames & Hudson, 1969
Michael Atkinson (Critic, USA):
1. „The American Cinema: Directors and Directions 1929-1968“ -
Andrew Sarris, Doubleday, 1968
2. „A Biographical Dictionary of Film“ - David Thomson
3. „Vulgar Modernism“ - J. Hoberman, Temple University Press, 1991
4. „Agee on Film: Reviews and Comments“ - James Agee, McDowell, Obolensky, 1958
5. „Magic and Myth of the Movies“ - Parker Tyler, Simon & Schuster, 1970
Peter Biskind (Author/critic, USA):
1. "The Genius of the System: Hollywood Filmmaking in the Studio Era" - Thomas Schatz, Pantheon Books, 1988
2. "I Lost It At the Movies" - Pauline Kael, Little, Brown, 1965
3. "Final Cut" - Steven Bach, William Morrow, 1985
4. "Indecent Exposure" - David McClintick, William Morrow, 1982
5. "A Life" - Elia Kazan, Alfred A. Knopf, 1988
Edward Buscombe (Critic, UK):
1. "Signs and Meaning in the Cinema" - Peter Wollen
2. "Hitchcock’s Films" - Robin Wood
3. "The American Cinema: Directors and Directions 1929-1968" - Andrew Sarris
4. "Horizons West: Studies in Authorship in the Western" - Jim Kitses,
Thames & Hudson, 1969
5. "The Genius of the System: Hollywood Filmmaking in the Studio Era" - Thomas Schatz
Michael Chanan (Academic, UK):
1. "The Technique of Film Editing" - Karel Reisz and Gavin Millar, Focal Press, 1953
2. "The World Viewed" - Stanley Cavell, Viking, 1971
3. "The Camera and I" - Joris Ivens, International Publishers, 1969
4. "Hitchcock" - François Truffaut, Simon & Schuster, 1967
5. "Histoire économique du cinéma" - Pierre Bachlin, La Nouvelle Edition, 1947
Tom Charity (Lovefilm and CNN.com, Canada):
1. "Hitchcock’s Films" - Robin Wood
2. "Hitchcock" - François Truffaut
3. "This is Orson Welles" - Orson Welles and Peter Bogdanovich, edited by Jonathan Rosenbaum, HarperPerennial, 1992
4. "John Ford: The Man and His Films" - Tag Gallagher, University of California Press, 1986
5. "A Biographical Dictionary of Film" - David Thomson
Ian Christie (Professor of Film History, Birkbeck, UK):
1. "Kino: A History of the Russian and Soviet Cinema" - Jay Leyda, Allen & Unwin, 1960
2. "The American Cinema: Directors and Directions 1929-1968" - Andrew Sarris
3. "What is Cinema?" - André Bazin, translated by Hugh Gray, University of California Press, 1967 (Volume 1) and 1971 (Volume 2)
4. "Circles of Confusion" - Hollis Frampton, Visual Studies Workshop, 1983
5. "A Life in Movies" - Michael Powell, Heinemann, 1986
Michel Ciment (Editor, ‘Positif’, France):
1. "What is Cinema?" - André Bazin
2. "Hitchcock" - François Truffaut
3. "A Life" - Elia Kazan
4. "Howard Hawks: The Grey Fox of Hollywood" - Todd McCarthy, Grove Press, 1997
5. "Viv(r)e le cinéma" - Roger Tailleur, Institut Lumière, 1997
5. "Personal Views: Explorations in Film" - Robin Wood, Gordon Fraser, 1976
Kieron Corless (Deputy Editor, ‘Sight & Sound’):
1. "Abel Ferrara" - Nicole Brenez, University of Illinois Press, 2006
2. "Poétique du cinématographe" - Eugène Green, Actes Sud, 2009
3. "Notes on the Cinematographer" - Robert Bresson, Editions Gallimard, 1975
4. "Fassbinder’s Germany" - Thomas Elsaesser, Amsterdam University Press, 1996
5. "Negative Space: Manny Farber on the Movies" - Manny Farber, Da Capo Press,
1998 (expanded edition)
Mark Cousins (Critic and filmmaker, UK):
1. "Who the Devil Made It?: Conversations with Legendary Film Directors" - Peter Bogdanovich, Alfred A. Knopf, 1997
2. "The Encyclopaedia of Indian Cinema" - Edited By Ashish Rajadhyaksha and Paul Willemen, BFI, 1994
3. "Notes on the Cinematographer" - Robert Bresson
4. "Currents in Japanese Cinema" - Tadao Sato, Kodansha Int, 1982
5. "Film Style and Technology: History and Analysis" - Barry Salt, Starword, 1983
Paul Cronin (Writer/film-maker, UK):
1. "On Directing Film" - David Mamet, Viking, 1991
2. "The Technique of Film Editing" - Karel Reisz and Gavin Millar
3. "My Life and My Films" - Jean Renoir, Collins, 1974
4. "Film: A Montage of Theories Edited" - Richard Dyer, MacCann, E.P. Dutton, 1966
5. "Film as a Subversive Art" - Amos Vogel, Random House, 1974
Chris Darke (Critic, UK):
1. "The Republic" - Plato
2. "Illuminations" - Walter Benjamin, Suhrkamp Verlag, 1955
3. "What is Cinema?" - André Bazin
4. "The Society of the Spectacle" - Guy Debord, Buchet-Chastel, 1967
5. "The Invention of Morel" - Adolfo Bioy Casares, Editorial Losada, 1940
Maria Delgado (Academic, UK):
1. "Sculpting in Time: Reflections on the Cinema" - Andrei Tarkovsky,
The Bodley Head, 1986
2. "Out of the Past: Spanish Cinema After Franco" - John Hopewell, BFI, 1986
3. "Letters" - François Truffaut, translated by Gilbert Adair, Faber & Faber, 1989
4. "The Brechtian Aspect of Radical Cinema" - Martin Walsh, edited by Keith Griffiths,
BFI, 1981
5. "Heavenly Bodies: Film Stars and Society" - Richard Dyer, BFI, 1986
Geoff Dyer (Author, UK):
1. "A Biographical Dictionary of Film" - David Thomson
The Ferroni Brigade aka Christoph Huber & Olaf Moller
(Critics, Austria/Germany):
1. "Dictionnaire du cinéma" - Edited by Jacques Lourcelles, Laffont, 1993
2. "Lignes d’ombre: une autre histoire du cinéma soviétique (1926-1968)" - Edited by Bernard Eisenschitz, Edizioni Gabriele Mazzotta, 2000
3. "Histoire du cinéma Nazi" - Francis Courtade and Pierre Cadars, Eric Losfeld/Éditions Le Terrain Vague, 1972
4. "Enciclopédia do Cinema Brasileiro" - Edited by Fernão Ramos and Luiz Felipe Miranda, Senac São Paulo, 2000
5. Anschluß an Morgen and Das tägliche Brennen - Elisabeth Büttner and Christian Dewald, Residenz Verlag, 1997 and 2002
6. Mauritz Stiller och hans filmer 1912-1916 - Gösta Werner, Norstedt, 1969
7. Leo McCarey: sonrisas y lágrimas - Miguel Marías, Nikel Odeon, 1999
8. "Soshun: Früher Frühling von Ozu Yasujiro" - H. Färber, Eigenverlag des Autors, 2006
9. "Red Cars" - David Cronenberg, Volumina, 2006
10. "Zur Kritik des Politischen Films: 6 analysierende Beschreibungen und ein Vorwort “Über Filmkritik” - Peter Nau, DuMont Buchverlag, 1978
10. "Der lachende Mann: Bekenntnisse eines Mörders" - Walter Heynowski and Gerhard Scheumann, Verlag der Nation, 1966
Lizzie Francke (Development Producer, UK Film Council, UK):
1. "Notes on the Cinematographer" - Robert Bresson
2. "On Film-making" - Alexander Mackendrick, Faber & Faber, 2004
3. "The Genius of the System: Hollywood Filmmaking in the Studio Era" - Thomas Schatz
4. "The Cinema Book" - Edited by Pam Cook, BFI, 1985
5. "Suspects" - David Thomson, Secker and Warburg, 1985
Philip French (Critic, ‘Observer’, UK):
1. "Film" - Roger Manvell, Pelican, 1944
2. "Hitchcock’s Films" - Robin Wood
3. "The Parade’s Gone By" - Kevin Brownlow, Secker & Warburg, 1968
4. "The Film Encylopedia" - Ephraim Katz, Crowell, 1979
5. "The Last Tycoon" - F. Scott Fitzgerald, Scribner, 1941
Chris Fujiwara (Critic, US):
1. "Rivette: Texts and Interviews" - Edited by Jonathan Rosenbaum, BFI, 1977
2. "Godard on Godard" - Jean-Luc Godard, edited and translated by Tom Milne,
Secker & Warburg, 1972
3. "Notes on the Cinematographer" - Robert Bresson
4. "The American Cinema: Directors and Directions 1929-1968" - Andrew Sarris
5. "Negative Space: Manny Farber on the Movies" - Manny Farber
Graham Fuller (Critic, USA):
1. "The Parade’s Gone By" - Kevin Brownlow
2. "The History of World Cinema" - David Robinson, Stein and Day, 1973
3. "The Haunted Screen" - Lotte Eisner, Le Terrain Vague, 1952
4. "A Biographical Dictionary of Film" - David Thomson
5. "Suspects" - David Thomson
Charlotte Garson (Critic, ‘Cahiers du cinéma’, France):
1. "Hitchcock" - François Truffaut
2. "What is Cinema?" - André Bazin
3. "Notes on the Cinematographer" - Robert Bresson
4. "Eric Rohmer" - Pascal Bonitzer, Cahiers du cinéma, 1991
5. "Film: A Sound Art" - Michel Chion, Columbia University Press, 2003
Tom Gunning (Professor of Cinema and Media Studies,
University of Chicago, USA):
1. "What is Cinema?" - André Bazin
2. "Film Form" - Sergei Eisenstein, edited and translated by Jay Leyda, Harcourt Brace, 1949
3. "Visionary Film" - P. Adams Sitney, OUP, 1974
4. "The World Viewed" - Stanley Cavell
5. "From Caligari to Hitler: A Psychological History of the German Film" - Siegfried Kracauer, Princeton University Press, 1947
Philip Horne (Academic, UK):
1. "Prater Violet" - Christopher Isherwood, Methuen, 1945
2. "Hitchcock" - François Truffaut
3. "A Life in Movies" - Michael Powell
4. "Adventures of a Suburban Boy" - John Boorman, Faber & Faber, 2003
5. "A Biographical Dictionary of Film" - David Thomson
Kevin Jackson (Writer, UK):
1. "Godard on Godard" - Jean-Luc Godard
2. "Hitchcock" - François Truffaut
3. "Reeling" - Pauline Kael, Little, Brown, 1977
4. "A Biographical Dictionary of Film" - David Thomson
5. "Madame Depardieu and the Beautiful Strangers" - Antonia Quirke, Fourth Estate, 2007
Nick James (Editor, ‘Sight & Sound’):
1. "A Mirror for England: British Movies from Austerity to Affluence" - Raymond Durgnat, Faber & Faber, 1970
2. "Melville on Melville" - Edited by Rui Noguera, translated by Tom Milne,
Secker & Warburg, 1971
3. "The New Wave: Truffaut, Godard, Chabrol, Rohmer, Rivette" - James Monaco,
OUP, 1976
4. "The Avant-Garde Finds Andy Hardy" - Robert B. Ray, Harvard University Press, 1995
5. "The Material Ghost: Films and Their Medium" - Gilberto Perez, The John Hopkins University Press, 1998
Kent Jones (Critic, USA):
1. "Negative Space: Manny Farber on the Movies" - Manny Farber
"Farber on Film: The Complete Film Writings of Manny Farber" - Manny Farber,
Library of America, 2009
2. "King Vidor, American" - Raymond Durgnat and Scott Simmon,
University of California Press, 1988
3. "The American Cinema" - Andrew Sarris
4. "Pursuits of Happiness: The Hollywood Comedy of Remarriage" - Stanley Cavell, Harvard University Press, 1981
5. "Hitchcock" - François Truffaut
Richard T. Kelly (Author, UK):
1. "Fun in a Chinese Laundry" - Josef von Sternberg, Secker & Warburg, 1965
2. "Notes on the Cinematographer" - Robert Bresson
3. "My Last Breath" - Luis Buñuel, Jonathan Cape, 1983
4. "Beauty and the Beast: Diary of a Film" - Jean Cocteau, J.B. Janin, 1946
5. "Hitchcock" - François Truffaut
Toby Litt (Author, UK):
1. "Sculpting in Time: Reflections on the Cinema" - Andrei Tarkovsky
2. "Notes: On the Making of Apocalypse Now!" - Eleanor Coppola, Simon & Schuster, 1979
3. "Louise Brooks" - Barry Paris, Hamish Hamilton, 1989
4. "Lulu in Hollywood" - Louise Brooks, Hamish Hamilton, 1982
5. "Quay Brothers Dictionary" - Michael Brooke
Brian McFarlane (Academic, Australia):
1. "Agee on Film: Reviews and Comments" - James Agee
2. "Ealing Studios" - Charles Barr, Cameron & Tayleur/David & Charles, 1977
3. "David Lean: A Biography" - Kevin Brownlow, Richard Cohen Books, 1996
4. "Typical Men: The Representation of Masculinity in British Cinema" - Andrew Spicer, I.B. Tauris, 2001
5. "A Biographical Dictionary of Film" - David Thomson
Luke McKernan (Curator, Moving Image, British Library, UK):
1. "Spellbound in Darkness" - George C. Pratt, University of Rochester, 1966
2. "The British Film Catalogue, 1895-1970" - Denis Gifford, David & Charles, 1973
3. "Ealing Studios" - Charles Barr, 1977
4. "The Pleasure Dome" - Graham Greene, Secker & Warburg, 1972
5. "The Cinematograph in Science, Education and Matters of State" - Charles Urban, The Charles Urban Trading Company, 1907
Geoffrey Macnab (Critic, UK):
1. "A Life In Movies" - Michael Powell
2. "A Personal Journey with Martin Scorsese Through American Movies" - Martin Scorsese and Michael Henry Wilson, Faber & Faber, 1997
3. "Preston Sturges by Preston Sturges: His Life in His Words" - Preston Sturges,
Simon & Schuster, 1990
4. "The Magic Lantern" - Ingmar Bergman, translated by Joan Tate, Hamish Hamilton, 1987
5. "An Autobiography of British Cinema" - Brian McFarlane, Methuen, 1997
Adrian Martin (Critic, Australia):
1. "Theory of Film Practice" - Noël Burch, Secker & Warburg, 1973
2. "The Memory of Tiresias: Intertextuality and Film" - Mikhail Iampolski, University of California Press, 1998
3. "The Material Ghost: Films and Their Medium" - Gilberto Perez
4. "Deadline at Dawn: Film Criticism 1980-1990" - Judith Williamson, Marion Boyars, 1992
5. "Poetics of Cinema" - Raúl Ruiz, Dis Voir, 1995 (volume 1) and 2007 (volume 2)
Peter Matthews (Academic, UK):
1. "Agee on Film: Reviews and Comment" - James Agee
2. "Katharine Hepburn: Star as Feminist" - Andrew Britton, Studio Vista, 1995
3. "The Material Ghost: Films and their Medium" - Gilberto Perez
4. "Notes on the Cinematographer" - Robert Bresson
5. "Sirk on Sirk: Interviews with Jon Halliday" - Jon Halliday
Sophie Mayer (Academic, UK):
1. "Decreation" - Anne Carson, Alfred A. Knopf, 2005
2. "Beauty and the Beast: Diary of a Film" - Jean Cocteau
3. "Essential Deren: Collected Writings on Film" - Maya Deren, edited by Bruce McPherson, Documentext, 2005
4. "Queer Edward II (annotated screenplay)" - Derek Jarman, BFI, 1991
5. "When the Moon Waxes Red: Representation, Gender and Cultural Politics" - Trinh T. Minh-ha, Routledge, 1991
Henry K. Miller (Academic, UK):
1. "Let’s Go to the Pictures" - Iris Barry, Chatto & Windus, 1926
2. "The Aesthetics and Psychology of the Cinema" - Jean Mitry,
Indiana University Press, 1997
3. "Films and Feelings" - Raymond Durgnat, Faber & Faber, 1967
4. "The Studio" - John Gregory Dunne, Farrer, Straus & Giroux, 1969
5. "Cinema: A Critical Dictionary" - Edited by Richard Roud, Secker & Warburg, 1980
Kim Newman (Critic, UK):
1. "An Illustrated History of the Horror Film" - Carlos Clarens, Putnam, 1967
2. "Kings of the Bs: Working Within the Hollywood System" - Edited by Todd McCarthy and Charles Flynn, Dutton, 1975
3. "Looking Away: Hollywood and Vietnam" - Julian Smith, Scribner, 1975
4. "Nightmare USA: The Untold Story of the Exploitation Independents" - Stephen Thrower, FAB Press, 2007
5. "Science Fiction Movies" - Philip Strick, Octopus, 1976
Geoffrey Nowell-Smith (Academic and writer, UK):
1. "Qu’est-ce que le cinéma? (What is Cinema?)" - André Bazin, Editions du Cerf, 1958-62
2. "Signs and Meaning in the Cinema" - Peter Wollen
3. "Godard on Godard" - Jean-Luc Godard
Michael O’Pray (Academic, UK):
1. "Visionary Film" - P. Adams Sitney
2. "A World Viewed: Reflections on the Ontology of Film" - Stanley Cavell,
Harvard University Press, 1971
3. "Stargazer: The Life, World and Films of Andy Warhol" - Stephen Koch,
Marion Boyars, 1991
4. "My Last Breath" - Luis Buñuel
5. "Durgnat on Film" - Raymond Durgnat, Faber & Faber, 1976
John Orr (Academic, UK):
1. "My Last Breath" - Luis Buñuel
2. "L’Imaginaire" - Jean-Paul Sartre (mistranslated as The Psychology of the Imagination), Gallimard, 1940
3. "Memoirs of the Beijing Film Academy" - Ni Zhen, National Publishers of Japan, 1995
4. "Ingmar Bergman" - Jacques Aumont, Cahiers du cinéma, 2003
5. "Film Journal" - Eve Arnold, Bloomsbury, 2001
Tim Robey (Critic, ‘Daily Telegraph’, UK):
1. "The Aurum Film Encyclopedia" - Phil Hardy, Aurum, 1983-98
2. "Reeling" - Pauline Kael
3. "Placing Movies: The Practice of Film Criticism" - Jonathan Rosenbaum,
University of California Press, 1995
4. "Dirk Bogarde: The Authorised Biography" - John Coldstream,
Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 2004
5. "The Devil’s Candy: The Bonfire of the Vanities Goes to Hollywood" - Julie Salamon, Delta, 1992
Jonathan Romney (Critic, ‘Independent on Sunday’, UK):
1. "Deadline at Dawn" - Judith Williamson
2. "Devant la recrudescence des vols de sac à main, cinéma, télévision, information" - Serge Daney, Aléas, 1997
3. "Flicker" - Theodore Roszak, Summit, 1991
4. "Rosebud: The Story of Orson Welles" - David Thomson, Alfred A. Knopf, 1996
5. "The Phantom Empire" - Geoffrey O’Brien, W.W. Norton & Company, 1993
Jonathan Rosenbaum (Critic, USA):
1. "Films and Feelings" - Raymond Durgnat
2. "Godard on Godard" - Jean-Luc Godard
3. "More Than Night: Film Noir in Its Contexts" - James Naremore, University of California Press, 2008 (revised and expanded edition)
4. "Negative Space: Manny Farber on the Movies" - Manny Farber
5. "Romantic Comedy in Hollywood: From Lubitsch to Sturges" - James Harvey,
Alfred A. Knopf, 1987
Sukhdev Sandhu (Critic, ‘Daily Telegraph’, UK):
1. "Channel 4 Guide to François Truffaut" - Channel 4, 1984
2. "Notes on the Cinematographer" - Robert Bresson
3. "100 Modern Soundtracks" - Philip Brophy, BFI, 2004
4. "The Genius of the System: Hollywood Filmmaking in the Studio Era" - Thomas Schatz
5. "An Amorous History of the Silver Screen: Shanghai Cinema, 1896-1937" -
Zhang Zhen, University of Chicago Press, 2006
Jaspar Sharp (‘Midnight Eye’, UK):
1. "The Japanese Film: Art and Industry" - Joseph L. Anderson and Donald Richie, Princeton University Press, 1959 (expanded edition 1982)
2. "The Imperial Screen: Japanese Film Culture in the Fifteen Years’ War, 1931-45" - Peter B. High, University of Wisconsin Press, 2003
3. "From Caligari to Hitler: A Psychological History of the German Film" -
Siegfried Kracauer
4. "A Pictorial History of Horror Movies" - Denis Gifford, Hamlyn, 1973
5. "Mondo Macabro: Weird & Wonderful Cinema around the World" - Pete Tombs,
St. Martin’s Griffin, 1998
Iain Sinclair (Writer, UK):
1. "Negative Space: Manny Farber on the Movies" - Manny Farber
2. "Joseph Losey: A Revenge on Life" - David Caute, Faber & Faber, 1994
3. "From Caligari to Hitler: A Psychological History of the German Film" -
Siegfried Kracauer
4. "Film at Wit’s End: Essays on American Independent Film-makers" - Stan Brakhage, Polygon, 1989
5. "Nouvelle Vague, The First Decade" - Raymond Durgnat, Motion, 1963
David Thompson (Critic/documentarian, UK):
1. "A Discovery of Cinema" - Thorold Dickinson, OUP, 1971
2. "A Biographical Dictionary of Film" - David Thomson
3. "Reeling" - Pauline Kael
4. "Film as a Subversive Art" - Amos Vogel
5. "The Parade’s Gone By" - Kevin Brownlow
David Thomson (Critic/author, USA):
1. "A Life" - Elia Kazan
2. "Final Cut" - Steven Bach
3. "David O. Selznick’s Hollywood" - Ronald Haver, Bonanza, 1980
4. "This is Orson Welles" - Orson Welles and Peter Bogdanovich,
edited by Jonathan Rosenbaum
5. "The Deer Park" - Norman Mailer, Putnam, 1955
Kenneth Turan (Critic, ‘LA Times’, USA):
1. "Picture" - Lillian Ross, Rinehart, 1952
2. "The Pat Hobby Stories" - F. Scott Fitzgerald, Scribner, 1962
3. "The American Cinema: Directors and Directions 1929-1968" - Andrew Sarris
4. "The Parade’s Gone By" - Kevin Brownlow
5. "King Cohn: The Life and Times of Harry Cohn" - Bob Thomas, Putnam, 1967
Catherine Wheatley (Critic/Academic, UK):
1. "Hollywood Babylon" - Kenneth Anger
2. "Postcards from the Cinema" - Serge Daney, P.O.L Editions, 1994
3. Subtitles: On the Foreignness of Film" - Atom Egoyan and Ian Balfour, MIT Press, 2004
4. "Atlas of Emotion: Journeys in Art, Architecture and Film" - Giuliana Bruno,
Verso, 2002
5. "The Cinema Book" - Pam Cook
Armond White (Critic, ‘New York Post’, USA):
1. "Kiss Kiss Bang Bang" - Pauline Kael, Litte, Brown, 1968
2. "The American Cinema: Directors and Directions 1929-1968" - Andrew Sarris
3. "Heavenly Bodies: Stars and Society" - Richard Dyer
4. "Reeling" - Pauline Kael
5. "The Resistance: Ten Years of Pop Culture That Shook the World" - Armond White, Overlook Press, 1995
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